SepiaTS Changelog

Version 2.1.0

FileSystemWatcher: it is possible to transfer files to the client, edit it there and when the files are been saved, they will automatically be transferred back to the server and will be saved there again!

Local/Remote Client: It is possible to transmit actions from the client to the server, so you are able to open dialogs on the hosted application from the clientside automatically.
e.g open the customersheet in the CRM when a call on the phone takes place

Local/Remote Client: It is possible to transfer scanned files from a local scanner up to a directory on the Terminalserver. After each event, the software enables to create custom actions after the file is transferred.

This features are new in Version 2.0.4

SepiaTS now checks if the called Interpreter in the RunAsScript function is installed on the clientmachine and gives a warning on the client!

This features are new in Version 2.0.3, also with Bugfixes

Now you are able to give special commands to defined extensions, which are customizeable in the registry generally for all Users and also per client e.g
for doc fileformats: action.print _DefaultExe_ _FileName_/mFilePrintDefault /mFileExit
This Entry opens the .doc, docx formatted files and prints it to the Defaultprinter, after that the application will be closed.

All Dialogs from SepiaTS will now open allways in front of all applications.


SepiaTS Printerdriver Bugfix

Now the Printerdriver didn´t anymore cuts the width of the file, when the text of the document overlaps the margins it will be printed with the whole text.

This features are new in Version 2.0.2b

A new parameter for the TransferAndOpen Dialog is released. It´s now possible to add OpenSaveAsDialog to force the application to open the transferred document and automatically open the SaveAs Dialog (useability optimiation)

Version 2.0.1 Bugfix

Parameter TransferAndOpen didn´t transfer files greater than 500KB => fixed

Additional Tool: SepiaTS Printerdriver

Multiple installable printerdriver on Terminalserver.

Sepia Commands are customizable for each printer.

No need to change the hosted application for printing.

It´s also possible to implement all other SepiaTS features in the printerdriver. (e.g. mail to, open, execute and so on)

This features are new in Version 2.0

Changed from designated Port to SSL / 443

Ability to work on Proxy´s and restricted Networks.

Uses the same certificate for encryption as the server.

Systemrequirement: IIS installed

This features are new in Version 1.0

Mailfunction for sending Attachments in Outlookversion 2007 and above

Sending with priority

Sending with delay Bodytextformats supported (RTF, Text, HTML)

Sending to: To, CC, BCC

Sending with up to 5 Attachments level2